Don’t worry help is at hand. CRS Consultants Ltd are a Local Independent Insurance Broker based in the town centre of Northwich. We have been in business since 1977 supporting the local area and the local businesses. As you may be aware we were at the forefront of Storm Christoph and like other companies we have had flood cover excluded under our main insurance policy and have had to cross our fingers that flood defences like above will work. As you have seen this week these defences do not always work as the water can come from other directions, but there is hope. There is a way to get flood Insurance as a separate cover – Whether you can’t get cover, have a large excess or just want a top-up to your existing policy – there is another way. The benefits are simple:-
Insurance that pays out the full value of the settlement within days of confirming a flood. So you can recover quicker. No Loss Adjusters/Assessors.
Claims don’t come with long paperwork or lots of haggling. The Flood is confirmed and pay out the agreed amount. A simple one page settlement document.
Control your trigger depths and payout values or even make your premium cheaper by raising stock or installing flood defences.
To find out more please contact Ian or Matt at CRS Consultants Ltd on 01606 48521 and find out how you can sleep at night knowing a storm is on the way.